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Bunion Removal Surgery


As a podiatrist, Leonard Greenwald, D.P.M. performs bunion removal surgery in order to provide our patients with relief from discomfort and foot pain. Typically, a bunion removal surgery takes several weeks to six months to heal from. This will depend on the amount of bone that was impacted along with tissue. As a San Jose, CA foot surgeon, we recommend that you keep the site clean and rest your foot to speed up the healing process. We have found that women tend to suffer from bunions more than males and that these bunions will often manifest as a bony bump at the base of the toe or feet. This tends to be caused by wearing things like tight shoes. Bunions can be uncomfortable and look unsightly, which is why so many of our patients choose to visit our podiatry office to undergo a bunion removal surgery. To learn more about this process, call (408) 827-9483.

As a podiatrist with a focus on foot surgery, Dr. Greenwald performs bunion removal surgery on patients to provide relief from pain and discomfort. A bunion forms on the metatarsophalangeal joint, also known as the MTP joint, of the foot. What will appear as a bump on this joint forms when bone or tissue shift out of place. Since the MTP joint supports weight while one is walking, having a bunion can make life incredibly painful.

At Leonard Greenwald DPM, we can treat bunions with surgery and send patients on the path to a more comfortable life. By scheduling an appointment with our office, Dr. Greenwald will be able to examine your condition and offer the best method of treatment. If Dr. Greenwald recommends surgery, patients do not need to worry. Dr. Greenwald will go over all details of the surgery and answer any questions before the surgery takes place.


There are several possible causes to bunions forming on the feet. One main cause is a change of pressure an individual commonly exerts on the joints of the foot. The change in pressure on the joints can not only cause bunions to form but also cause instability.

Even the way one walks or the style of shoes can cause a bunion to form. It can also be difficult for people to notice a bunion right away since the bunion can take years to develop. Since it is difficult to gauge how serious a condition with one’s foot is, patients should consult with Dr. Greenwald.

Even if the pain is minor at the time of the consultation, it can grow worse if left untreated. Women, who constantly wear uncomfortable shoes that force the toes together, may not realize that those shoes can be a contributing factor for bunions as well.


A common symptom of bunions is if you have a bump developing on the outside of the foot at the base of the big toe. Another symptom will be feeling restriction or pain around the big toe.

If you notice any redness or swelling, along with pain, near or around the MTP joint, do not hesitate to call our office. The earlier we treat the bunion, the better chance surgery may not be a requirement. However, Dr. Greenwald specializes in foot surgery and can perform the procedure in an efficient manner.


While there are home remedies for relief from bunions, they are not the most effective. Many of the home remedies can bring relief and attempt to stop the bunion from growing, but will not permanently solve the problem.

Other remedies can include applying store-bought bunion pads around the bunion, wearing shoes with a wider space for toes, applying ice packs several times a day to reduce swelling not wearing high heels over two inches. Other treatment options can include padding and taping to keep the foot in a normal position. A patient will be able to continue normal activities with less pain.

Medication, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections, can also help with the pain. Physical therapy can also be useful for the treatment, depending on the condition of the bunion. Shoe inserts, also known as orthotics, can help to control the function of the foot and prevent the bunion from getting worse.

Surgery is the treatment most common when the bunion advances beyond the point of the other treatment methods. It is crucial for the patient to seek advice from a podiatrist before assuming the effectiveness of one treatment method over another.


The bunion removal surgery may not be the best option for each patient. Since each patient is unique and no foot is exactly the same, Dr. Greenwald will recommend the most effective procedure for the patient’s well-being.

In most cases, the patient will remain awake during the surgery, and be completely numb from the ankle down. This is a form of local anesthetic known as an ankle block. For anyone who is on a busy schedule, the surgery itself may not take more than a few hours or half of a day. While the foot is numb, the doctor will remove the bunion and make sure the foot is in a healthy position.

People tend to fear surgical options due to the cost, the length of surgery, how painful it might be and how long the recovery will be. Dr. Greenwald will take every precaution to ensure the care and condition of his patients, while also addressing any concerns one might have. Before going into the surgery, Dr. Greenwald will answer questions and go over all of the facts with the patient. This way, the patient will know what to expect during and after the treatment.


The length of recovery time depends on the severity of the bunion, the form of surgery and the patient’s efforts to recover. Typically, a patient will need several weeks to six months in order to completely heal from surgery. This is why many podiatrists recommend treatment as early as possible. The recovery time depends on the amount of bone that was impacted along with the tissue.

As a foot surgeon, Dr. Greenwald recommends that patients in San Jose, CA, keep the site clean and rest the foot as much as possible to speed up the healing process. For many, bunions are painful and unsightly. While it may take time for the patient to fully recover from a bunion removal surgery, the patient can know that the problem will most likely not return.

If you are struggling with a bunion that is painful and unsightly, do not live with the pain any longer and seek treatment today. At Leonard Greenwald, DPM, we will help our patients through treatment and as they transition into a full recovery. Call us at (408) 827-9483 for more information.


Leonard Greenwald, DPM
750 N. Capitol Ave, Ste B3
San Jose, CA 95133
Phone: 458-216-5638
Fax: 408-926-2544

Office Hours

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