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Seniors Can Benefit from a Trip to the Podiatrist

Many of the patients visiting our podiatrist office are older in age. There are certain health problems that can become more prominent with age and time. Older individuals will visit our office more often than younger individuals. While younger patients can also suffer from foot problems, there are more risks to the health of one's feet with age.

There are things we can do to help seniors have good foot health as they age, many of which are preventative measures. With that in mind, it is wise to visit our clinic before there is a major problem.


Age adds a greater risk of several health issues, making it more likely that they will need the services of a podiatrist. Sometimes, this is due to the condition of the feet themselves. In other cases, people suffer foot problems that correlate to existing health issues like diabetes. A few of the challenges we see are:


While athlete's foot is a common condition with younger people, people in the later years of life can also struggle from this type of fungal infection. Since it happens when feet are warm and moist, people who do not shower daily are at greater risk.


Calluses and corns are an uncomfortable foot condition that can plague patients of any age. However, people who reach the later years of life will struggle with it more frequently. Patients can avoid calluses by wearing shoes that fit properly and have the correct support.


Heel spurs are a calcium growth on the foot. It experiences irritation when the individual is walking or standing, making the area incredibly painful. There are non-invasive methods for treating the discomfort, including icing the foot. In some cases, surgery is necessary to remove the extra calcium.


People with diabetes naturally have an increased risk of foot problems. When blood sugar is not properly controlled, the white blood cells responsible for fighting infection are inhibited and unable to do their job. Simple foot problems like an ingrown toenail or a callus can lead to a full-blown infection that puts the feet and rest of the body at risk. It is common for diabetics to actually lose their feet because of health problems not being controlled.

To prevent this, we suggest that diabetics keep their feet very clean. This requires showering or bathing daily and drying feet thoroughly once done. Foot powder can be used to keep feet dry and socks made of natural fibers should always be worn. Also, people with diabetes need to wear shoes that fit properly and be sure to inspect their feet daily for any sign of a problem. Early treatment is absolutely critical.


If you are having pain or discomfort in your feet, call our office today. We can examine you to determine the cause of the problem and to make suggestions for treatment. Early detection and treatment are critical for ensuring long-term mobility and foot health.

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