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Learn About Treatment Options from a Foot Surgeon

As a foot surgeon, we recommend calling our office to schedule a consultation. We complete all types of surgery and will be happy to discuss any challenges you are facing and come up with a treatment plan.


Before we can make a recommendation we will need to conduct an examination and take x-rays. We never make suggestions without having a thorough understanding of the health challenges a patient is facing. During this consultation, it will be important to discuss symptoms so that we can be as informed as possible when making a recommendation.


We do recommend patients try out noninvasive or minimally invasive treatment options first. For example, flat feet can be treated using special shoes or inserts. They can also be treated with surgery. We recommend making sure that the foot inserts are not effective before scheduling a surgical appointment. This applies to many foot problems that can be treated with physical therapy, inserts, and even steroid injections. We can discuss all these initial treatment options in detail during a consultation.


If surgery is the right option for treating a foot problem, we have the expertise and knowledge necessary to complete the surgery and achieve optimal results for patients. This is our focus and as a foot surgeon, we complete these types of surgeries on a regular basis. We know how to optimize results, minimize recovery times and help patients to reach a better quality of life by addressing and eliminating foot pain.

We want each patient to be fully informed so that they know why surgery is necessary, what the process will be like and how they will recover, prior to getting started. As such, we will take the time to explain everything in great detail and recommend asking questions if anything was not covered sufficiently. Our job as a foot surgeon is to help heal the feet but before we can do that, we need to be a communicator and educator so that our patients understand their options.


After the surgery is complete, it will be important to follow the care instructions precisely. It may be necessary to stay off the feet for a couple of weeks or even months. Some patients will need to wear a boot or brace during this time. This will ensure that recovery can continue without delay or complications.

Typically, we will also recommend some physical therapy as part of the overall recovery process. This will help to promote healing and by strengthening the foot and surrounding muscles and ligaments, the foot will be supported on an ongoing basis.


Discover how a foot surgeon can help you by completing a procedure that will improve the health of your feet, reduce discomfort and make it possible to stand and walk without a challenge. The type of procedure we recommend will be based on the symptoms you are facing on a daily basis. To learn more about your options and discuss the process for surgery, schedule a consultation today.

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